Oradores Convidados Internacionais
Eduardo Toledo Santos
Engenheiro, Mestre e Doutor em Engenharia Elétrica pela Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo, Brasil. Professor da Escola Politécnica da USP e Vice Coordenador do Mestrado Profissional em Inovação na Construção Civil. É relator do GT Objetos BIM da Comissão Especial de Estudos sobre BIM (CEE-134) da ABNT – Associação Brasileira de Noras Técnicas. Diretor de Divulgação da ANTAC – Associação Nacional de Tecnologia do Ambiente Construído. Diretor das entidades internacionais ISGG – International Society for Geometry and Graphics, ISCCBE – International Society for Computing in Civil and Building Engeneering, e CIB – International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction. Colaborador do Regulatory Domain da buildingSMART International. Membro da BIM Excellence Initiative e do CIB W78. Fundador e membro do Conselho Consultivo do BIM Fórum Brasil. Especialista do Comitê Estratégico BIM do Governo Federal Brasileiro. Revisor técnico das edições brasileiras do “BIM Handbook”. Editor para Língua Portuguesa do BIM Dictionary.
Ilka May
Ilka May is the CEO of LocLab Consulting, a leader in 3D digital twin content creation. LocLab’s proprietary technology, enabled by a high degree of automation using proven workflows and artificial intelligence, allows the cost- and time-efficient creation of digital twins of machines, buildings, manufacturing facilities or large-scale areas such as transportation networks or entire cities. Ilka May was a co-founder of LocLab in 2016 and the company has been acquired by Hexagon AB in 2023.
Ilka May has been working with spatial data and technologies for almost two decades. She worked for the international engineering company Arup for ten years, including six years in the UK. In Germany, she led the development of the strategic road map “Digital Design and Construction” on behalf of the Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure in 2015. Until 2017, she was deputy head of the EU BIM Task Group, before she was instrumental in 2018 in updating the BIM strategy of Deutsche Bahn, which has since been published. Ms May mainly advises public clients and operators in the fields of transport and energy infrastructure on issues relating to the digitisation of the construction industry and BIM. For many years, she has been a member of various committees for the standardisation of the construction industry at European and national level (CEN, DIN, VDI, BSI). Currently she is the chairwoman of the DIN committee for developing standards for Digital Twins in the Built Environment and a member of the CEN mirror committee.
Jaan Saar
Head Of Digital Construction Kliimaministeerium / Ministry Of Climate Of Estonia. He is also Chair of the EU BIM Task Group and Member of the buildingSMART Board of Directors. Jaan has managed processes and IT in the construction industry for over 15 years. He joined the Estonian Government as Head of Digital Construction in 2018 with the goal to digitally transform construction in Estonia. He is currently working on developing the “e-construction platform” which provides the backbone for data sharing throughout the building lifecycle and the national digital twin.
Marzia Bolpagni
Marzia works as Head of BIM International at Mace where she develops and implements digital construction solutions for public and private international clients in five international hubs. She holds a PhD in ICT and Smart Construction and she is passionate in filling the gap between industry and academia. She is glad to be a member of the BIMExcellence Initiative, Assistant Editor of the BIM Dictionary where she coordinates more than 150 volunteers worldwide, Ambassador of Nima. She is Expert at the European Committee for Standardisation (CEN) TC 442 and ISO/TC 59/SC 13 where she chairs a Work Group on information requirements standardisation (Level of Information Need), an evolution from the concept of “LOD”. She is lead author of the Level of Information Need standard EN 17412-1 (ISO 7817-1), PastChair of EC3 Modelling and Standards Committee, Honorary Assistant Professor at UCL The Bartlett School of Sustainable Construction and Visiting Professor at Northumbria University. She is also founder of Italians in Digital Transformation Uk, she loves sharing her knowledge with students and she is often invited as keynote speaker at academic and industrial events. She received 30+ awards for her activities including Young Engineer of the Year by the Royal Academy of Engineering, Emerging Professional of the Year, Woman of the Future in 2021, InspiringFifty Uk 2021 and Europe 2022, EC3 2023 Scherer Award and 2023 Design and Build UK Rising Star.